One of the questions that my students ask me the most when I talk about social networks is whether, to get more followers on Instagram, it is convenient to leave their profile public or private. My opinion is always that you have it as an audience, since if someone interested in knowing who you are or visits you thinking about whether to follow you or not, the moment they see your content, they will be able to decide based on whether they are interested in your publications. However, it is obvious that if your profile is private, they will not follow you, since they will not have been able to see anything you have published so far.
Include the Instagram logo in the physical advertising Special Database material of your business or company Something that usually works very well for brands or businesses in general is to place the logos of their social networks next to posters, banners and other advertising actions that they carry out offline. In this way, if we talk for example about a bar or restaurant and your customers have been happy with the service received and you also show them graphically that you use social networks in your company, they will very likely end up following you on Instagram and on some other social network. .

Very frequently I have found actions related to this, well executed by those responsible, in which they offer a percentage discount the next time you go to the restaurant, with the condition that you upload a publication tagging them, or showing them that you have followed them. In the case of Instagram, you will get them interested in your corporate profile and, surely, they will follow you when they sense that you will offer discounts regularly.