本帖最後由 sailasathay 於 2024-1-11 13:40 編輯
Difficulty in maintaining the same quality standard as the são paulo unit with remote administration. Anglo then began to supply the material and provide didactic-pedagogical assistance, which gave rise to the first education system in the world. 1980 in the 1980s, anglo already had more than 50 pre-university courses supported WhatsApp Number List by brazil . Thus, at the request of partners, anglo expanded the material to other levels of education, giving rise to the “projeto 2º grau”. Thus, the education system for secondary education has its origins. Nineteen ninety here, anglo would also take the missing step to complete the service provided to partners: it started producing material for elementary education and early childhood education. 2015 in 2015, the brand was incorporated into somos educação.
This step allowed the expansion of its investment capacity and strong expansion outside of são paulo. This decade was also marked by the pedagogical evolution of anglo . The intense search for new practices and resources for partner schools led to the evolution of the education system and the creation of the anglo educational solution. In 2018, colégio anglo são paulo is inaugurated with a view to applying solutions and their constant improvement in accordance with the needs of day-to-day school life. 2020 in 2020, anglo turns 70 , a milestone for the education system and brazilian education. Furthermore, its results are impressive. More than 7,000 students passed enem/sisu, 473 in medicine and 2,636 in engineering. Anglo also stood out in the entrance exams, with 1,280 approved at usp and 682 at unicamp. Anglo: made to learn being part of the anglo network means being immersed in a pioneering environment of learning and innovation, in contact with the main schools in brazil. For this reason, anglo organizes training events for the integration of schools and creates channels for sharing good practices.

Workshop and anglo advisor event aimed at training anglo network teachers and pedagogical staff, through lectures and workshops held by authors, pedagogical advisors and guests. Pedagogical events training events and exchanges of educational experiences . Lectures are given on current topics and shifts are available for all disciplines, with assistance provided by the authors of the didactic material. This is a training moment for all school professionals. Anglo convention a meeting to present the results of the year, share strategies for the following year and guidelines on changes and innovations in teaching materials. The target audience is maintainers, directors, coordinators and professionals directly involved in the marketing of schools. The anglo educational solution the constant search for pedagogical innovations and resources that meet the new demands of schools led anglo to integrate the teaching materials and services made available to partners into a complete technological platform, which enhances classroom practice and the pedagogical performance of schools.