content business model Cosmo is completely audience focused. Not a single word about what it sells to make a profit. Exxon, on the other hand, has a clear mission regarding what it sells. Oil…and lots of it. Good for them. email protected 's mission is focused on its audience - it's a content business model, says JoePulizzi. Click to model. In our next book, Killing Marketing, Robert Rose says, "It's the strategic use of content that not only builds an audience and drives customer creation and retention , but also pays dividends ." Sounds like a media company. it should. Traditionally, Cosmo's go-to revenue strategy revolves around selling ads, but Cosmo has several flexible options for making money from its content. Cosmo's model looks similar to this: Create a loyal audience.
Once you learn the deep-rooted needs of that audience, consistently deliver value, and they become fans subscribers, you can monetize that relationship in a variety of ways. And Cosmo does a lot of things, from books to beauty packaging to native advertising to syndicated content and promotions. If Cosmo's readers are even Special Database innovative, they can see how many products they can sell directly to their readers in most cases, not just selling access to advertisers. If that happens, watch out Robert and I know a lot of great people who work at Exxon, and we don't envy their work. It's very difficult for marketing professionals to leverage content with a mission that revolves around the product rather than the customer. Handpicked related content: Content marketer: What does it matter if your why is missing Media or product brand Exxon is one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world.

It leveraged every bit of traditional marketing and traditional business models to create a rose. But if Exxon wants to grow significantly larger and become a growth company if that's even possible, it needs to kill that model. "But Joe, Cosmopolitan is a media company and Exxon sells products. Of course the model should be different." Should they Dennis Publishing is one of the UK's largest independently owned media companies. Its big titles include Men'sFitness and TheWeek, but it also maintains a large content platform for the automotive sector, including brands such as CarBuyer and AutoExpress. Over the past decade, most media companies have struggled to grow significantly. Print advertising is slowly dying. However, this does not affect Denis. According to The Guardian, Dennis Publishing's revenue increased by 63 from £59m in 2009 to £93m in 2016. How do you ask In November 2014, Dennis acquired online car dealership BuyACar. This currently generates 16 of the media company's total revenue. exactly. This small media company sells over 200 cars per day. Dennis had an audience interested car buyers and over