The threshold for franchise operations has risen to the euro, and the increase of the value -added tax threshold is the euro. The tolerance period of VAT is that the euro is from the euro, the euro is for reference only, and the annual turnover threshold is set to the euro. For individual operators, the threshold for raising is: euro, value -added tax exempting thresholds, euro, tolerance periods, euro, euro for reference only, the annual business threshold is set, euro. The change in monitoring turnover is very important, because if the tax -free turnover achieved by self -operated enterprises is higher than the tolerance
threshold, this excess may cause you to lose the value -added tax exemption. What are the benefits of individual industrial and commercial households exempting VAT? When not levying VAT, invoicing Argentina WhatsApp Number and self -employed business management are more simplified. As an entrepreneur, you do not have to apply for a value -added tax, you can issue an invoice to all customers and charge the price of value -added tax. The competitive advantage VAT exemption can constitute an important competitive advantage. Therefore, it is easy to stand out in the competition while displaying the lower price, because customers will pay the price of no tax. This is indeed very beneficial,

especially if you are considering entering a fierce competition market. Still benefiting from the system, self -operated professional can also adjust its tax -inclusive price with other competitors' tax -included prices to maximize its profitability. The most important thing is to avoid affecting its profit margin. In terms of administrative simplification and accounting simplification, compared with other companies, the income of micro -enterprises is much lower. She manages her accounting alone. Management of value -added tax is sometimes a administrative burden.