Because they are more curious, the customer seeks to know more about the subject and needs deeper content to be sure that they want to purchase a product or service. What is the importance of MOFU? The middle of the funnel is important for closing deals for the following reasons. Provide more information The differential advantage of MOFU is that the data provided by the marketing department about its leads is more detailed than in TOFU. Here, the public already has more knowledge than in the previous phase. Therefore, you need to know more about the solution for your demands.
That is why it is so important to consider the MOFU, since there is a reciprocal Phone Number List relationship in it: while your company delivers content to the customer, it continues to offer you data that will help you get to know it and guide it for the next stage of the journey. Typically, content is more specific in the middle of the funnel. In reality, since people already consider that they must solve a problem, the content must be deeper and explain in detail the issue in which your buyer persona is interested and seeking knowledge. In general, you can get information about your future buyer the moment they download any of the rich materials you offer.

For example, in the event that you download certain content, you must provide the following information: name, email, telephone number (optional), company where you work, profession, etc. With better knowledge about the characteristics and preferences of your consumer audience, it is much easier to break down all objections and doubts about your product or service. Eliminate objections Taking into account what was said above, an important point for the MOFU is that it breaks down the objections of future clients . Remember: in the second stage of the funnel, the customer has the purchase intention .