Allows you to share with other web services. VIP vip feedly You will be the first to try all the new features. Premium Assistance feedly premium support In you will be able to get answers to all your questions. get readers rss feed infographic Thanks to Shutterstock for transferring the rights to this image. Ways to Get RSS Feed Readers with Feedly Now I will explain the strategies that can help you considerably increase the number of readers on Feedly, and that have allowed me in to go from readers to more than readers on Feedly .
Increase readers RSS feed - Inserting a Feedly Czech Republic Phone Number List banner in the Blog insert banner feedly There are two ways to add the Feedly banner to the Blog: Automatic . This is the simplest and easiest way to install the banner on our Blog, for this we will install and activate the Add To Feedly plugin . Manual . We will add the image of the Feedly button in the sidebar of the Blog and we will add a link to our feedly, here is an example of the code that I have put in my button: Remember not to forget that the link must open in a new sale and must contain the attribute target=”_blank”. - Agreement between professionals Invite other professionals to add you to Feedly or reach some type of agreement or collaboration.

Personally, it is a practice that I do not use, but I have received requests and I know that it is a common practice in the sector. - Mention Strategy The mention strategy is only effective as long as you create content of great quality and value, and complement it with a mention of a very good post by other professionals. The mention is a good networking strategy and will automatically make you known to the mentioned professionals, who do rate the content as very good, it is very likely that they will add you to Feedly. - Publishing content regularly If you have a Blog with interesting content and you publish regularly this will be a good magnet to attract hundreds of Feedly readers, who will probably add your Blog's RSS feed.