Price discounts on all basic tariffs for new customers are valid for the first three months, after this period % discount on selected tariffs can be used by inclusion in the Magenta plan. Vodafone TV Year, Vodafone Czech branch completely reformed the TV tariff system. The price advantage for customers already using other Vodafone services is retained. Since last April, there is no longer the long-standing triple tariff of Klasik/Komfort/Komplet, but a single basic tariff, from which customers can order various extensions.
The number of these extensions varies over the year and the current TV deals look like this: Vodafone TV - Basic Vodafone TV - The Basics By: The price of Vodafone Basic includes the video library. The following extensions are available: Sports (includes Premier Sport), Cinema (includes access to HBO Max), Home (includes access to Voyo) and +. The top variant is the one labeled ALLinONE, which contains content from all previous products, including its own video library.
Services to get discounts. There are no discounts for new Benin Mobile Number List customers for the first three months. Access the world's major Netflix and Prime Video services directly from the Vodafone TV environment. You can rent two types of TV boxes or buy a TV receiver from your operator. Vodafone TV - Expansion Pack Vodafone TV - Expansion Pack By Vodafone TV Operator Telly (Lama Group) offers two types of distribution: Internet and satellite.
Its basic tariff quantities (small, medium, large) remain stable. You can also use a prepaid card (Day, Day, or Day) so you can watch content in the Telly app. Since March 2019, MMA Oktagon has been broadcasting and has obtained the broadcast rights of ATP tennis events. Telly TV – Basic Internet Service Telly TV – Basic Internet Service By Telly Currently, operators are offering % discount on medium and large tariffs. I