Ultimately, its quite natural since companies use a subject as a pretet to talk about their products or services. And then they are surprised not to have any participants? To organize an effective webinar, you must determine a subject or rather a theme that your target faces in their purchasing considerations Buyer journey the length of the sales cycle Inbound Marketing In BB, there are levels of maturity in purchasing considerations. Naturally, the prospect asks different questions depending on whether he is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of this journey.
The challenge for you is to identify these questions and for that, the work of Persona Marketing Albania WhatsApp Number is essential . Choose the right webinar format If the first point is skimmed over in general, Im not even talking about this one which is not even the subject of reflection. However, the format and duration of your webinar will have a direct impact on its success. For what ? Because, as we saw just before, your prospects do not have the same epectations depending on their level of maturity less mature, they are less committed than moderately mature or very mature. As a result, the duration must increase and the level of attention required by the format must also increase. which is aimed at a high level of maturity on Marketing and Commercial tools . More than h in teacher mode.
Here, we organized a Webinar in aperitif format on a subject with a much lower level of maturity . Set the right date when to do a webinar the best times I will start with this good practice, a priori, and I will qualify it. If we are to believe the studies relayed in the illustration below, you should organize a webinar on Thursday at a.m. But do you see where the problem is? If everyone follows this best practice, the competition will be such that you will not be able to attract enough participants to generate leads. This is what happened with us during the first Covid lockdown we organized our webinars on Thursdays at a.m.