本帖最後由 shornasarker789 於 2024-3-7 18:27 編輯
Comments surely you have purchased your website's domain from any company such as godaddy, dondominio, dinahosting, arsys or any other, but what security does registering the domain provide me? Is that enough? Can no one take that domain from me? Can I use it as a trademark? Can I recover a domain that matches my brand that the competition has registered? What can I do to have complete peace of mind? This post will discuss all this and some more things, the reading of which I recommend in order to reach some interesting final conclusions. What is a domain? As you all know, the internet is a large network of computers interconnected through a common communication protoco transfer control protocol/internet protocol.
To facilitate user navigation, it was decided to assign Italy Telegram Number Data each ip address a name that was simpler than a series of numbers using the domain name system (dns). For this purpose, domain name servers are used, in such a way that, provided an address under a name, they return the ip that corresponds to it. For example, the address rresponds to the ip. Therefore, if we look for a definition of a domain , it would be something like the set of characters that identify an internet site accessible to the user. Domain types first level or higher level domains: which in turn are classified into two large groups: generic (gtld) and territorial (cctld). Generic.- gtld (generic top level domain): they will be very familiar to you: .Com (for commercial purposes generally ) .Net (for internet-related entities) ; .Org. (for non-profit entities, ngos...) ; .Aero (for the aviation field); .Biz (for businesses and companies); .Coop (for cooperatives); .Info (unrestricted); .Museum (for museums); .Name (for person names); .Pro (for professionals); .Int (reserved for international organizations); .Mil (military entities), .Edu (educational entities), . Gov or . Gobterritorial.

They will also be familiar to you and are those corresponding to country codes; for example: . Is for spain, .Pt for portugal, .Fr for france, .It for italy, .Tv the island of tuvalu, .Us for the usa, etc. The administration of those cctlds is carried out by the designated registration authorities in each country. In spain red.Es is the national authority in charge of managing “.Es” domain registrations, which are the most used in our country. Second level domains this is the name of our domain that is before the .Com (or any top-level domain) that any user can register if it is free. In the case of this blog the second level domain is “elabogadodigital”. Third level domains they are called subdomains, which are nothing more than extensions of a domain. As an example we could put ".Fotos.Elabogadodigital.Com cann enters into contracts with registrars (yes, the companies that sell us domains). It also manages an accreditation system for registrars. These contracts offer a coherent and stable environment for the domain name system, and therefore for the internet.