Think twice before launching a business idea or Marketing campaign that could be considered offensive or inappropriate. Take as an example this Mr. Clean advertisement for Mother s Day mr clean regional marketing strategy global mistake This problematic ad from implies that the real work of a woman is cleaning the house. This terrible idea was released not only in print campaigns but ended up all over social media, creating negative publicity for the brand and outrage shock from their customers and potential buyers. Remember, a brand's reputation is slowly built up, but quickly destroyed. With this in mind, that's not to say that your business and Marketing plans should not be creative, innovative, and challenge perceptions. You simply need to have a "why" behind each action that you take and make sure that you test out ideas on your target audience.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that some ideas, especially in terms of visuals, may not be photo editing servies appropriate in certain areas, such as Tattoos can be perceived negatively in many markets ex Japan . Women with bare skin is unacceptable in some Muslim countries. Colors can have different meanings depending on the culture. Animals might have a holy or sacrilegious meanings ex. cows in India . . Use the correct language, even within the "same" language Translating your messages into a different language or adjusting them for different regions or cultures may seem like an obvious thing to do, but you'd be surprised at the amount of Marketing campaigns that fail globally due to this matter.
Let's take a look at a failed campaign due to mistranslation When Parker marketed a ballpoint pen in Mexico, its ads were supposed to read It won t leak in your pocket and embarrass you . Instead, the company mistranslated the word embarazar as "embarrass", when it really means pregnant . So the ad read It won t leak in your pocket and make you pregnant . Not only is this an embarrassing albeit humorous slip up, it's costly for the business and will affect their brand for years to come. lan deng quddu dZKkQ unsplash