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First, it allows you to organize your content in a way that makes sense to both readers and crawlers. Then you can get an idea of ​​how much content you will need and how many pages you will need to create. Finally, you can refer to the structure and architecture of your site to determine how to link pages together. 3. Decide on your site development plan Once you have the structure of your site, you know how much work it will take to build. You can then make an informed decision whether you want to build the site yourself, hire an outside service provider, or do a bit of both.

For example, you can hire a developer to build the skeleton Last Review of your site who will teach you how to manage it through the right content management system (CMS). You can then add content to your pages. Whatever route you take, be sure to choose your CMS carefully if you go this route. You need to choose a tool that you can use with confidence, and that will give you the autonomy to manage your own content. Ideally, opt for an HTML5 or WordPress site , which gives you greater control over essential SEO factors and offers plugins to make your SEO efforts even more effective. Automatic site creation tools are easier to use, but they don't give you full access to the behind-the-scenes of a site.

They are made to be ergonomic, but not necessarily SEO friendly. 4. Create content before launch and establish a schedule for your future content Before launching, complete your search engine optimized landing pages , your home page and other more permanent pages whose content will not change often like “Services”, “About Me”. As this content needs to be created with specific keywords in mind, you will need to do extensive keyword research before launching it. With our Keyword Magic Tool , you can add a target keyword you're trying to rank for and grab many other keywords to create great content.


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